Category Archives: Conditions

Cold & Flu

Colds & Flu

How to cure colds & flu the natural way. Complementary therapies for cold & flu relief.

Colds & Flu Natural cures

A common cold is an infection of your nose and throat that causes a blocked or runny nose, sore throat, headaches, coughs and sneezing.

Flu is an infection of the respiratory system. It is similar to a cold but also includes a high temperature, aching body, chills, tiredness, headache and loss of appetite.

Any of the advice on our site should be used as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care. You should always consult a doctor regarding your medical condition.


This cold and flu healing meditation and hypnosis contains powerful visualizations to help you fight off any unwanted infection or illness and boost your immune system. These visualizations work at multiple levels: to give you rest and relaxation, at a mental and emotional level to channel any negative emotion to positive, at a physiological level to catalyze your body's immune system to get better faster, and at a psychological level, giving the imagery of caring, healing touch.

This gives specific imagery on unblocking sinuses and airways, relieving congestion and sore throat, flushing out any bad bacteria or virus, energising the lymphatic system, boosting white blood cell count in the blood and more...

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Cold & Flu Healing Hypnosis

CrystalsCrystals for cold & flu

Crystals work by absorbing the negative energies that cause colds & flu. Either keep your crystal under your pillow as you sleep or wear your crystal (if it's small enough) around your neck during the day.

Moss Agate is good for sinuses, congestion and lowering fevers. Blue Lace Agate being a crystal for the throat chakra, is excellent for sore throats, laryngitis and tonsillitis.

Sore throat

To soothe sore throats, place Moss Agate next to a glass/bottle of water for a few hours or preferably overnight. Then drink the water to soothe your throat. If leaving overnight place the water in moonlight, cover with saran wrap (cling film) and place the crystal on top of the film.

Try different crystals to see which one works best for you. And remember when you feel a cold coming on start using your crystals.

Any of the following crystals work well for colds & flu.

More crystals that are also good for colds & flu:

  • Fluorite
  • Ametrine
  • Aventurine
  • Magnestie
  • Yellow Jasper
  • Green Opal
  • Clear Quartz
  • Sardonyx
  • Blue Tourmaline
  • Zincite

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HeadphonesBinaural Beats for Sinus Relief

Listening to the frequencies in binaural beats can stimulate the brainwaves to relieve the symptoms of a cold and sinus relief. Binaural Beats are best listened to through headphones. Listening to the sounds while you fall asleep can encourage deep sleep and heal at the same time.

More on Binural Beats

Sinus Congestion Relief

Massage for colds and flu

Massage and reflexology techniques can be used to relieve cold and flu symptoms. This can also be done with self massaging your hands to your unblock sinses blocked by cold. Click here to see how with this video.

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Aromatherapy for colds & flu

Essential oils are one of the best ways to combat cold & flu symptoms. Many essential oils contain antiviral and decongestant properties, and using the right ones for your exact symptoms can make a huge difference to your recovery.

Blocked sinuses

To relieve a blocked, stuffy nose add 2 drops of Peppermint oil and 2 drops of Eucalyptus oil to a bowl of steaming hot water and inhale with a towel over your head 2/3 times a day. The more you do this the quicker it will fight the infection. Peppermint has menthol which will open airways and clear mucus. Eucalyptus oil is found in many decongestant medicines, it is great for congestion and blocked sinuses.

Sore throat

To relieve a sore throat add 2 drops of Peppermint oil and 2 drops of Eucalyptus oil to a bowl of steaming hot water and inhale with a towel over your head 2/3 times a day. The more you do this the quicker it will fight the infection. Peppermint has menthol which can soothe and numb a sore throat.

Chest relief

Colds can spread from your nose to your chest. You may have a chesty cough and shortness of breath To fight the germs in your chest add 3 drops of Eucalyptus oil and 2 drops of Frankincense oil to a bowl of steaming hot water and inhale with a towel over your head 2/3 time a day. The more you do this the quicker it will fight the infection. Eucalyptus oil fights bacteria and reduces inflammation. Frankincense helps the respiratory system, coughs, bronchitis and asthma.

Add 2 drops of Eucalyptus oil to a carrier oil and rub onto the chest and throat for added relief.

More on Aromatherapy

Yoga for colds

Yoga poses are a great way to boost your physical & mental wellbeing. Gentle, healing yoga practices can be done when you have a cold for relief. Try a gentle restorative yoga practice for when you are sick

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Headaches & Migraines

Home > A-Z Natural Healing > Headaches & Migraines

Headaches & Migraines

How to cure headaches and migraines the natural way. Complementary therapies for headache and migraine relief.

Man with headache

Tension headaches cause pain on the sides of your head and neck ache. It can be throbbing, constant, sharp or dull. Headaches can also be caused by sinuses and can be felt on your forehead or on the bridge of your nose.

Migraines are pounding, throbbing pain that can last very long periods of time. The difference between migraines and headaches is that you will also experience sensitivity to light, noise, loss of appetite and sickness with migraines.

Any of the advice on our site should be used as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care. You should always consult a doctor regarding your medical condition.


Tension from stress is a big cause of headaches. Meditation can help you focus and be aware of what is making you stressed and bring a calmness which in return will reduce the headaches. All it takes is 5-10 minutes of quiet time ideally every day to see improvements.

More on meditation

CrystalsCrystals for headaches

Crystals work by absorbing the negative energies that cause headaches and migraines. One of the most powerful crystal to use for headaches is Selenite. It can quickly unblock stagnant energy. If you suffer from migraines then Lapis Lazuli is a stronger crystal to use.

For headache relief, place your crystal on the forehead, temples or base of the neck if a headache radiates from that point. If you have more than one crystal lay the others around your head.

Try different crystals to see which one works best for you. And remember when you feel a headache coming on take someone time out and lie down with some crystals.

Any of the following crystals work well for headaches and migraines.

  • Angelite
  • Aquamarine
  • Citrine
  • Hematite
  • Moonstone
  • Quartz
  • Rose Quartz
  • Selenite

More on crystals

HeadphonesBinaural Beats for headaches

Listening to the frequencies in binaural beats can stimulate the brainwaves to relieve headaches and migraines. Binaural Beats are best listened to through headphones. Listening to the sounds while you fall asleep can encourage deep sleep and heal at the same time.

More on Binural Beats

Massage for headaches

A head massage can instantly relieve tension, stress and promote relaxation. The massage has a relaxing effect on the muscles in your neck which reduces the intensity, duration and frequency of tension headaches.

If you are not comfortable with someone else doing the massage then it is possible to self-massage your head for tension headaches.

More on Massage

Aromatherapy for headaches

Essential oils trigger responses in the body that relieve tension, anxiety and create relaxation. These are all things that can cause headaches and migraines.

Scents such as peppermint, lavender, lemon, roman chamomile and rosemary can all help relief the tensions of headaches.

Use the oil in a diffuser or in an inhaler. Another way is to run a facecloth in cold water. Rinse it out. Then add a few drops of essential oil and place over your forehead. Or place over the back of your neck with warm water instead.

More on Aromatherapy

Yoga for headaches

Yoga poses are a great way to boost your physical & mental wellbeing. Gentle, healing yoga practices can be done when you have a headache or migraine for relief. Live most of these therapies they are best practised daily to avoid regular pain.

More on Yoga