Category Archives: Insomnia

Crown Chakra

Crown Chakra

Sanskrit name – Sahasrara
Location – Top of head
Colour – Violet
Element – All┬á


The seventh chakra is the crown. ItÔÇÖs the centre of our deep inner peace and harmony. It is the link between the consciousness and the Universe, the supernatural and spirituality. The crown chakra is associated with the highest levels of spiritual awareness and enlightenment.

A balanced crown chakra

When your crown chakra is perfectly balanced you will feel eternal happiness and at one with the Universe. You will be able to receive guidance from higher powers. Your faith and the connection to spiritual aspects in your life will be strong and you will be in tune with the things that inspire you the most.

A unbalanced crown chakra

Chakras can become unbalanced when they are either blocked (B) or too open (O). This can lead to unwanted feelings and even physical symptoms.

The emotional feelings of unbalanced crown chakra include:

  • Addiction
  • Anxiety (O)
  • Chronic fatigue (B)
  • Depression (O)
  • Detachment from reality (O)
  • Insanity (B)
  • Isolation/Loneliness (B)
  • Lack of empathy
  • Lack of will (O)
  • Low self-esteem (B)
  • Mental confusion (O)
  • Mental disorders (B)
  • Paranoia (B)
  • Schizophrenia
  • Spiritual disconnection
  • Spiritual exhaustion (O)
  • Trouble making decisions (O)
The physical symptoms of an unbalanced crown chakra are:

  • Breathing disorders,
  • Epilepsy
  • Fainting spells (O)
  • Headaches (O)
  • Insomnia
  • Nervous system disorders
  • Nightmares
  • Weak immune system
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How to balance the crown chakra

ItÔÇÖs important to know that in order to have a balanced crown chakra all the other chakras have to be balanced too. Work from the root chakra up to the throat chakra balancing them all in order before starting work on balancing the crown chakra.


Meditation helps the flow of energy and balances the chakras.

  • Sit cross-legged on a mat or sit on a chair with both feet on the floor.
  • Keep your back straight, arms relaxed and your eyes closed.
  • Take two or three deep breaths.
  • Now visualize a luminescent violet white light coming from the crown of your head.
  • Imagine it radiating energy outwards through the whole body and your spirit.
  • Continue with the deep breathing and visualizations for as long as you are comfortable. 10 to 15 minutes is good to start with.

Try holding a crystal while you meditate or listen to some binaural beats for a stronger session.

More on meditation


Crystals have the power to absorb negative energies that cause chakras to be unbalanced.

Place the crystal over the crown chakra for between 5-20 minutes. The longer you can do this for the more effective it will be. You can also carry, wear or meditate with them.

The following crystals are perfect to use for balancing the crown chakra. Generally speaking, use white stones.

    • Apophyllite
    • Celestite
    • Citrine
    • Clear Tourmaline
    • Golden Beryl
    • Kunzite
    • Lepidolite
    • Moldavite
    • Muscovite
    • Purple Jasper
    • Purple Sapphire
    • Quartz
    • Red Serpentine
    • Selenite

    More on crystals

    HeadphonesBinaural Beats

    Listening to the frequencies in binaural beats can stimulate the brainwaves to balance the crown chakra. Binaural Beats are best listened to through headphones. Listening to the sounds while you fall asleep can encourage deep sleep and heal at the same time.

    Binaural Beats can be listened to as often as you want. It could be daily during meditation practice when your crown chakra feels out of balance.

    NOTE: Do not listen to Binaural Beats whilst operating heavy machinery or driving.

    More on Binaural Beats


    Massage can relieve stress in the mind and body. A Head massage stimulates the crown energy flow and can help open the crown chakra.

    More on Massage


    Scents such as jasmine, lavender, myrrh, frankincense, sandalwood, and rose help cleanse the crown chakra. We recommend this crown chakra essential oil. Use oil in a diffuser, a spritzer or in an inhaler.

    More on Aromatherapy


    Yoga poses are a great way to cleanse and balance the chakras. The poses are designed to keep the body aligned which keeps the energy flowing.

    More on Yoga


    Wear violet clothing and surround yourself with violet colours and objects.

    Shop Crown Chakra

    Food & Drink

    Foods such as white mushrooms, white radish, beetroot, eggplant (aubergine) and artichoke are good for balancing the crown chakra. A herbal tea containing herbs to stimulate the crown chakra is also beneficial.

    Man walkingActivities

    Light is associated with the crown chakra so getting out in the sunlight is a great activity for balancing the crown chakra. Clear your surroundings and reduce the clutter in your life. A clear external environment frees your mind and helps with the healing of the crown chakra. Pray to whoever you believe in. This does not have to be religious but it could be to a spirit guide, your ancestors, the Universe or your soul. Listen to messages from your spirit guides.

    Speech bubbleAffirmations

    These strong powerful statements can train your brain to think in a different way. Talk directly to the crown chakra to create balance. Try the following affirmations.

    • I trust my intuition
    • I love and accept myself
    • I am at peace
    • I live in the present moment
    • I am part of the Divine
    • I seek to understand and to learn from my life experiences
    • I am grateful for all the goodness in my life
    • I know that all is well in my world
    • I am connected
    • I listen to the Universe

    More on Affirmations

    Lapis Lazuli

    Lapis Lazuli

    Lapis Lazuli Healing properties, spiritual properties & cleansing. Stone benefits and powers, Lapis Lazuli meaning and uses explained.

    Lapis Lazuli relieves stress and brings deep peace, harmony, compassion, honesty, inner truth and self-awareness. With its strong healing powers, it is known as The Wisdom Stone.



    Dark blue with gold flecks

    Birthday cake



    Lapis Lazuli Healing Properties

    Lapis Lazuli can assist with the healing of many conditions.


    • Anger
    • Decision making
    • Depression
    • Memory
    • Negative thinking
    • Psychic attacks
    • Writer’s block
    Physical symptoms:

    • AspergerÔÇÖs syndrome
    • Attention-deficit
    • Autism
    • Bone marrow
    • Cramps
    • Colds & Flu
    • Headaches & Migraines
    • Hearing loss
    • Immune system
    • Inflammation
    • Insomnia
    • Nervous systems
    • Purifies blood
    • Throat issues
    • Thymus
    • Thyroid problems
    • Vertigo

    Spiritual properties of Lapis Lazuli

    Lapis Lazuli is known for opening the third eye chakra. This allows you to find your centre of intuition and inner wisdom. It will enhance psychic abilities and communication with spirit guides. It will recognise psychic attacks and block them.

    How to use Lapis Lazuli

    • Meditate with it by either holding the crystal or placing it in the area of pain or organ on your body you wish to heal.
    • Place this on your throat, larynx, thyroid and vocals cords areas that need improvement.
    • For headache release, place the Lapis Lazuli on the forehead, temples or base of the neck if a headache radiates from that point.
    • Wear your crystal with a pendant, bracelet or pop them in your pocket.
    • Place your crystal in your handbag or place in your wallet.
    • Tuck them in your bra.

    More on how to use your crystal

    How to cleanse Lapis Lazuli

    There are several ways to cleanse your crystal. Below are the preferred methods for the Lapis Lazuli.

    Smudge sticksCleansing with smudge sticks

    Burn a sage smudge stick and wave it back and forth underneath the crystal for 20 to 30 seconds.

    Cleansing using the earth

    Bury your crystal for at least a day and up to several months, preferably in pure, clean soil.

    DotCleansing with visualisation

    Visualise a bright light surrounding the crystal dissolving all the negative energy.

    NOTE: Lapis Lazuli is a porous stone, water will damage the crystal.

    How to re-energise Lapis Lazuli

    After cleaning your crystal of negative energy you have to then re-energise them to restore its natural energy for healing again.

    SunRe-energising in the sunlight

    Place the crystals in the sun for a few hours or all day.

    Leaving them for a couple of days will allow your crystal to have the benefit from the strong energy from the sun and the more gentle energy from the moon.

    Moon and starsRe-energising in the moonlight

    Place the crystals in the light of the moon for a few hours or overnight is fine. A full moon works best.

    Your crystal does not have to be in direct moonlight nor will it not charge if itÔÇÖs a cloudy night. The moonÔÇÖs energy is always there.

    Programming your Lapis Lazuli

    Once your crystal is cleansed and re-energised you will need to set your intentions before you use them. This is to program your crystal for a specific use.

    How to set your intentions

    Sit quietly and hold your crystal in your hands. Clear your mind and focus on the crystal. Concentrate on the energy you wish to program the crystal with. It could be an emotional, physical or spiritual intention. Only pick one, donÔÇÖt overload the crystal with many intentions. Continue to do this until you feel that enough has been done.

    More on crystal cleansing and re-energising