Category Archives: Chakras

Crown Chakra

Crown Chakra

Sanskrit name – Sahasrara
Location – Top of head
Colour – Violet
Element – All┬á


The seventh chakra is the crown. ItÔÇÖs the centre of our deep inner peace and harmony. It is the link between the consciousness and the Universe, the supernatural and spirituality. The crown chakra is associated with the highest levels of spiritual awareness and enlightenment.

A balanced crown chakra

When your crown chakra is perfectly balanced you will feel eternal happiness and at one with the Universe. You will be able to receive guidance from higher powers. Your faith and the connection to spiritual aspects in your life will be strong and you will be in tune with the things that inspire you the most.

A unbalanced crown chakra

Chakras can become unbalanced when they are either blocked (B) or too open (O). This can lead to unwanted feelings and even physical symptoms.

The emotional feelings of unbalanced crown chakra include:

  • Addiction
  • Anxiety (O)
  • Chronic fatigue (B)
  • Depression (O)
  • Detachment from reality (O)
  • Insanity (B)
  • Isolation/Loneliness (B)
  • Lack of empathy
  • Lack of will (O)
  • Low self-esteem (B)
  • Mental confusion (O)
  • Mental disorders (B)
  • Paranoia (B)
  • Schizophrenia
  • Spiritual disconnection
  • Spiritual exhaustion (O)
  • Trouble making decisions (O)
The physical symptoms of an unbalanced crown chakra are:

  • Breathing disorders,
  • Epilepsy
  • Fainting spells (O)
  • Headaches (O)
  • Insomnia
  • Nervous system disorders
  • Nightmares
  • Weak immune system
Shop Crown Chakra

How to balance the crown chakra

ItÔÇÖs important to know that in order to have a balanced crown chakra all the other chakras have to be balanced too. Work from the root chakra up to the throat chakra balancing them all in order before starting work on balancing the crown chakra.


Meditation helps the flow of energy and balances the chakras.

  • Sit cross-legged on a mat or sit on a chair with both feet on the floor.
  • Keep your back straight, arms relaxed and your eyes closed.
  • Take two or three deep breaths.
  • Now visualize a luminescent violet white light coming from the crown of your head.
  • Imagine it radiating energy outwards through the whole body and your spirit.
  • Continue with the deep breathing and visualizations for as long as you are comfortable. 10 to 15 minutes is good to start with.

Try holding a crystal while you meditate or listen to some binaural beats for a stronger session.

More on meditation


Crystals have the power to absorb negative energies that cause chakras to be unbalanced.

Place the crystal over the crown chakra for between 5-20 minutes. The longer you can do this for the more effective it will be. You can also carry, wear or meditate with them.

The following crystals are perfect to use for balancing the crown chakra. Generally speaking, use white stones.

    • Apophyllite
    • Celestite
    • Citrine
    • Clear Tourmaline
    • Golden Beryl
    • Kunzite
    • Lepidolite
    • Moldavite
    • Muscovite
    • Purple Jasper
    • Purple Sapphire
    • Quartz
    • Red Serpentine
    • Selenite

    More on crystals

    HeadphonesBinaural Beats

    Listening to the frequencies in binaural beats can stimulate the brainwaves to balance the crown chakra. Binaural Beats are best listened to through headphones. Listening to the sounds while you fall asleep can encourage deep sleep and heal at the same time.

    Binaural Beats can be listened to as often as you want. It could be daily during meditation practice when your crown chakra feels out of balance.

    NOTE: Do not listen to Binaural Beats whilst operating heavy machinery or driving.

    More on Binaural Beats


    Massage can relieve stress in the mind and body. A Head massage stimulates the crown energy flow and can help open the crown chakra.

    More on Massage


    Scents such as jasmine, lavender, myrrh, frankincense, sandalwood, and rose help cleanse the crown chakra. We recommend this crown chakra essential oil. Use oil in a diffuser, a spritzer or in an inhaler.

    More on Aromatherapy


    Yoga poses are a great way to cleanse and balance the chakras. The poses are designed to keep the body aligned which keeps the energy flowing.

    More on Yoga


    Wear violet clothing and surround yourself with violet colours and objects.

    Shop Crown Chakra

    Food & Drink

    Foods such as white mushrooms, white radish, beetroot, eggplant (aubergine) and artichoke are good for balancing the crown chakra. A herbal tea containing herbs to stimulate the crown chakra is also beneficial.

    Man walkingActivities

    Light is associated with the crown chakra so getting out in the sunlight is a great activity for balancing the crown chakra. Clear your surroundings and reduce the clutter in your life. A clear external environment frees your mind and helps with the healing of the crown chakra. Pray to whoever you believe in. This does not have to be religious but it could be to a spirit guide, your ancestors, the Universe or your soul. Listen to messages from your spirit guides.

    Speech bubbleAffirmations

    These strong powerful statements can train your brain to think in a different way. Talk directly to the crown chakra to create balance. Try the following affirmations.

    • I trust my intuition
    • I love and accept myself
    • I am at peace
    • I live in the present moment
    • I am part of the Divine
    • I seek to understand and to learn from my life experiences
    • I am grateful for all the goodness in my life
    • I know that all is well in my world
    • I am connected
    • I listen to the Universe

    More on Affirmations

    Third Eye Chakra

    Third Eye Chakra

    Sanskrit name – Ajna
    Location – Between eyebrows
    Colour – Indigo
    Element – N/A


    The sixth chakra is the third eye or sometimes the brow chakra. ItÔÇÖs the centre of our intuition and wisdom. It is the connection between the higher self of the crown chakra and the rest of the chakras below it. It is connected with the imagination, dreaming and spiritual awareness.

    A balanced third eye chakra

    When your third eye is perfectly balanced you will have a clear mind and be intuitive. You will be able to focus on ideas and be more observant. A balanced third eye allows you to see the truth of things. It is also possible that psychic powers could start emerging.

    A unbalanced third eye chakra

    Chakras can become unbalanced when they are either blocked (B) or too open (O). This can lead to unwanted feelings and even physical symptoms.

    The emotional feelings of unbalanced third eye chakra include:

    • Addictions such as alcohol, drugs & food.
    • Confusion (B)
    • Daydreaming (O)
    • Delusions (O)
    • Depression (B)
    • Hallucinations (O)
    • Lack of concentration
    • Lack of passion, no goals in life (B)
    • Selective memory (B)
    • Solid and inflexible thoughts
    • Stubbornness (B)
    The physical symptoms of an unbalanced third eye chakra are:

    • Blindness
    • Brain tumours
    • Deafness
    • Difficulty sleeping or staying awake (B)
    • Headaches (B)
    • Poor eyesight (B)
    • Strokes
    Shop Third Eye Chakra

    How to balance the third eye chakra

    In order to balance the third eye, you first have to make sure to take care of your physical body. The chakras in the physical body include root, sacral, solar plexus, heart and throat. If any of these are out of balance then itÔÇÖs not going to be possible to completely clear the third eye chakra.


    Deep meditation is needed to balance the third eye chakra.

    • Sit cross-legged on a mat or sit on a chair with both feet on the floor.
    • Keep your back straight, arms relaxed and your eyes closed.
    • Take two or three deep breaths.
    • Now focus on the area between your eyebrows. Imagine the energy rising up from the base of your body, the root chakra through the chakras to your third eye.
    • Imagine a ball of indigo energy radiating outwards through the whole body from the third eye.
    • Continue with the deep breathing and visualizations for as long as you are comfortable. 10 to 15 minutes is good to start with.

    Try holding a crystal while you meditate or listen to some binaural beats for a stronger session.

    More on meditation


    Crystals have the power to absorb negative energies that cause chakras to be unbalanced.

    Place the crystal over the third eye chakra for between 5-20 minutes. The longer you can do this for the more effective it will be. You can also carry, wear or meditate with them.

    The following crystals are perfect to use for balancing the third eye chakra. Generally speaking, use indigo stones.

    • Amethyst
    • Apophyllite
    • Azurite
    • Blue Obsidian
    • Garnet
    • Kunzite
    • Kyanite
    • Labradorite
    • Lepidolite
    • Moldavite
    • Sapphire
    • Shungite
    • Sodalite

    More on crystals

    HeadphonesBinaural Beats

    Listening to the frequencies in binaural beats can stimulate the brainwaves to balance the third eye chakra. Binaural Beats are best listened to through headphones. Listening to the sounds while you fall asleep can encourage deep sleep and heal at the same time.

    Binaural Beats can be listened to as often as you want. It could be daily during meditation practice when your third eye chakra feels out of balance.

    NOTE: Do not listen to Binaural Beats whilst operating heavy machinery or driving.

    More on Binaural Beats


    Massage can relieve stress in the mind and body. It is a therapy that stimulates the energy flow and can help open the third eye chakra.

    More on Massage


    Scents such as frankincense, sandalwood, juniper, clary sage, patchouli and vetiver help cleanse the third eye chakra. We recommend this third eye chakra essential oil. Use oil in a diffuser, a spritzer or in an inhaler.

    More on Aromatherapy


    Yoga poses are a great way to cleanse and balance the chakras. The poses are designed to keep the body aligned which keeps the third eye energy flowing.

    More on Yoga


    Make note of your dreams. Spend some time every morning to reflect on your dreams. The third eye can help you interpret your dreams. The more you pay attention to your dreams the more your third eye will open you to the lessons and messages that are conveyed within your dreams.


    Wear indigo clothing and surround yourself with indigo colours and objects.

    Shop Third Eye Chakra

    Food & Drink

    Fruit and vegetables that are good for the third eye include prunes, gigs, raisins, dates, blackberries, blueberries, eggplant (aubergine) purple kale, purple carrots and purple potatoes. Drink a herbal tea that contains third eye chakra cleansing herbs.

    Man walkingActivities

    Light is associated with the third eye chakra so getting out in the sunlight is a great activity for balancing the third eye chakra. Start a private journal to reflect on your thoughts and feelings from the day. Star gazing helps to open the mind and expand your train of thought.

    Speech bubbleAffirmations

    These strong powerful statements can train your brain to think in a different way. Talk directly to the third eye chakra to create balance. Try the following affirmations.

    • I trust my intuition
    • I see with clarity
    • My mind and heart are in perfect balance
    • It is safe for me to see the truth
    • I create my own reality
    • I connect with the wisdom of the universe

    More on Affirmations

    Heart Chakra

    Heart Chakra

    Sanskrit name – Anahata
    Location – Center of the chest
    Colour – Green
    Element – Air


    The fourth chakra is the heart chakra. It controls the unconditional love for yourself and others. The energy from the heart chakra will allow you to have joy, self-acceptance, trust, compassion and openness.

    A balanced heart chakra

    When your heart chakra is perfectly balanced you will feel open, receptive, forgiving, accepting, generous, kind and connected to both yourself and other people. You will be able to trust life.

    A unbalanced heart chakra

    Chakras can become unbalanced when they are either blocked (B) or too open (O). This can lead to unwanted feelings and even physical symptoms. If youÔÇÖve ever had emotional abuse as a child or grown-up with unhealthy beliefs surrounding love and trust this will certainly cause the heart chakra to become unbalanced.

    The emotional feelings of unbalanced heart chakra include:

    • Anger (B)
    • Antisocial Personality Disorder
    • Fear (B)
    • Loneliness (B)
    • Resentment (B)
    • Bitter (B)
    • Social isolation (B)
    The physical symptoms of an unbalanced heart chakra are:

    • Asthma
    • Bronchial infections (B)
    • Cancer
    • Chest pains (B)
    • Heart conditions
    • High cholesterol
    • Lung or breathing difficulties (B)
    • Lymphatic system complaints (water retention, edemas)
    • Tension
    • Thoracic Spine
    • Weakened immune system (B)
    Shop Heart Chakra

    How to balance the heart chakra


    Meditation helps the flow of energy and balances the chakras.

    • Sit cross-legged on a mat or sit on a chair with both feet on the floor.
    • Keep your back straight, arms relaxed and your eyes closed.
    • Take two or three deep breaths.
    • Now visualize a ball green light coming from the center of your chest. Imagine it radiating energy outwards through the whole body.
    • Continue with the deep breathing and visualizations for as long as you are comfortable. 10 to 15 minutes is good to start with.

    Try holding a crystal while you meditate or listen to some binaural beats for a stronger session.

    More on meditation


    Crystals have the power to absorb negative energies that cause chakras to be unbalanced.

    Place the crystal over the root chakra for between 5-20 minutes. The longer you can do this for the more effective it will be. You can also carry, wear or meditate with them.

    The following crystals are perfect to use for balancing the heart chakra. Generally speaking, use pink or green stones.

      • Amazonite
      • Apolphyllite
      • Aventurine
      • Chrysocolla
      • Green Jasper
      • Green Quartz
      • Green Saphhire
      • Green Tourmaline
      • Jade
      • Kunzite
      • Labradorite
      • Lepidolite
      • Malachite
      • Moss Agate
      • Peridot
      • Pink Tourmaline
      • Rhodonite
      • Rose Quartz

      More on crystals

      HeadphonesBinaural Beats

      Listening to the frequencies in binaural beats can stimulate the brainwaves to balance the root chakra. Binaural Beats are best listened to through headphones. Listening to the sounds while you fall asleep can encourage deep sleep and heal at the same time.

      Binaural Beats can be listened to as often as you want. It could be daily during meditation practice when your heart chakra feels out of balance.

      NOTE: Do not listen to Binaural Beats whilst operating heavy machinery or driving.

      More on Binaural Beats


      Massage can relieve stress in the mind and body. It is a therapy that stimulates the energy flow and can help open the heart chakra. Massage will bring relief to stress. It can loosen phlegm and assist respiration. It also stimulates circulation.

      More on Massage


      Scents such as Jasmine, lavender, orris root and marjoram can cleanse the heart chakra. We recommend this heart chakra essential oil. Use oil in a diffuser, a spritzer or in an inhaler.

      More on Aromatherapy


      Yoga poses are a great way to cleanse and balance the chakras. The poses are designed to keep the body aligned which keeps the heart chakra energy flowing.

      More on Yoga


      Wear green clothing and surround yourself with green colours and objects. Plants are a great way to add green to any room.

      Shop Heart Chakra

      Food & Drink

      Green foods are best for the heart chakra. Try eating things like broccoli, spinach, zucchini (courgette), peas, beas and cabbage. Drink a herbal tea that contains heart chakra cleansing herbs.

      Man walkingActivities

      Activities that you love to do will help cleanse the heart chakra. Take time out to listen to music, paint, sing or dance. Practising any sort of art form will help release negative energies and get the energy flow through you again.

      Avoid negative people and surround yourself with positive ones. Learn to forgive others.

      Speech bubbleAffirmations

      These strong powerful statements can train your brain to think in a different way. Talk directly to the heart chakra to create balance. Try the following affirmations.

      • I am wanted and loved
      • I open my heart to receive unconditional love
      • I love myself
      • I forgive myself
      • My heart is open to love
      • I deeply and completely love myself

      More on Affirmations

      Solar Plexus Chakra

      Solar Plexus Chakra

      Sanskrit name – Manipura
      Location – Behind belly button
      Colour – Yellow
      Element – Fire


      The third chakra is the solar plexus or sometimes the navel chakra. ItÔÇÖs the centre of our self-esteem, willpower and metabolism. It regulates energy associated with vitality, identity, intention and action. It helps keep the balance between confidence and conceit, bold and foolhardy and self-respect and narcissism.

      A balanced solar plexus chakra

      When your solar plexus chakra is perfectly balanced you will have unlimited energy and feel impulsive and outgoing. You will feel balanced, have lots of confidence and have great social skills. You feel comfortable in your own skin and have the understanding that you have the power of choice.

      A unbalanced solar plexus chakra

      Chakras can become unbalanced when they are either blocked (B) or too open (O). This can lead to unwanted feelings and even physical symptoms.

      The emotional feelings of unbalanced solar plexus chakra include:

      • Anger
      • Anxiety
      • Insecure
      • Low Confidence (B)
      • Low self-esteem (B)
      • Unassertive
      The physical symptoms of an unbalanced solar plexus chakra are:

      • Addiction
      • Arthritis
      • Diabetes
      • Excessive weight around the stomach (pot belly)
      • Fatigue
      • Frequent gas and constipation
      • Gall bladder and liver problems
      • Hypertension
      • IBS
      • Issues with the digestive track
      • Overweight and obesity
      Shop Solar Plexus Chakra

      How to balance the solar plexus chakra


      Meditation helps the flow of energy and balances the chakras.

      • Sit cross-legged on a mat or sit on a chair with both feet on the floor.
      • Keep your back straight, arms relaxed and your eyes closed.
      • Take two or three deep breaths.
      • Now visualize a ball of yellow light coming from just above you naval chakra region. Imagine it radiating energy outwards through the whole body.
      • Continue with the deep breathing and visualizations for as long as you are comfortable. 10 to 15 minutes is good to start with.

      Try holding a crystal while you meditate or listen to some binaural beats for a stronger session.

      More on meditation


      Crystals have the power to absorb negative energies that cause chakras to be unbalanced.

      Place the crystal over the solar plexus chakra for between 5-20 minutes. The longer you can do this for the more effective it will be. You can also carry, wear or meditate with them.

      The following crystals are perfect to use for balancing the solar plexus chakra. Generally speaking, use yellow stones.

        • Amber
        • Bronzite
        • Citrine
        • Golden Beryl
        • Jasper
        • Malachite
        • Rhodochrosite
        • Smithsonite
        • TigerÔÇÖs Eye
        • Yellow Jade
        • Yellow Tourmaline

        More on crystals

        HeadphonesBinaural Beats

        Listening to the frequencies in binaural beats can stimulate the brainwaves to balance the solar plexus chakra. Binaural Beats are best listened to through headphones. Listening to the sounds while you fall asleep can encourage deep sleep and heal at the same time.

        Binaural Beats can be listened to as often as you want. It could be daily during meditation practice when your solar plexus chakra feels out of balance.

        NOTE: Do not listen to Binaural Beats whilst operating heavy machinery or driving.

        More on Binaural Beats


        Massage can relieve stress in the mind and body. It is a therapy that stimulates the energy flow and can help open the solar plexus chakra.

        Massaging in a clockwise pattern over around the belly button area activates your solar plexus chakra. Use essential oils to enhance the massage.

        More on Massage


        Scents such as lemon, chamomile, bergamot, cedarwood, white lotus and rosemary can cleanse the solar plexus chakra. We recommend this solar plexus chakra essential oil. Use oil in a diffuser, a spritzer or in an inhaler.

        More on Aromatherapy


        Yoga poses are a great way to cleanse and balance the chakras. The poses are designed to keep the body aligned which keeps the solar plexus energy flowing.

        More on Yoga


        Wear yellow clothing and surround yourself with yellow colours and objects.

        Shop Solar Plexus Chakra

        Food & Drink

        Yellow foods are best for the solar plexus. Try eating bananas, mango and corn. Drink a herbal tea that contains solar plexus chakra cleansing herbs.

        Man walkingActivities

        Activities that practice self-love is best for healing the solar plexus. Take some spa treatments or a nice warm bath. Going for walks and doing simple exercises everyday help release endorphins which is a hormone that gives us a feeling of pleasure. If you can do this outside. The solar plexus is a fire element and the sun is a perfect source for this. More vigorous exercise such as boxing, dancing, singing will help express any anger you have. Socialise with positive-minded people. Just smile.

        Speech bubbleAffirmations

        These strong powerful statements can train your brain to think in a differnet way. Talk directly to the solar plexus chakra to create balance. Try the following affirmations.

        • I love the person I am
        • I am worthy of love and kindness
        • I am strong and courageous
        • I am confident
        • I am not intimidated by what others think of me
        • I am honest in my relationships with other people
        • I take charge of my life

        More on Affirmations

        Sacral Chakra

        Sacral Chakra

        Sanskrit name – Swadhisthana
        Location – Below navel
        Colour – Orange
        Element – Water


        The second chakra is the sacral. ItÔÇÖs the centre of our emotional body, sexual energy and creativity. The orange of the sacral chakra is warming and produces energy that is connected with passion, pleasure, sensuality and creativity.

        A balanced sacral chakra

        When your sacral chakra is perfectly balanced you will feel joyful and content with life and you will feel creative. You sex life will be healthy and balanced, you feel capable and confident and will belong to a pleasant social circle. Your relationship with your partner is healthy and quiet. We also have an acceptance of our own body.

        A unbalanced sacral chakra

        Chakras can become unbalanced when they are either blocked (B) or too open (O). This can lead to unwanted feelings and even physical symptoms.

        The emotional feelings of unbalanced sacral chakra include:

        • Addiction (O)
        • Aggressive behaviour (O)
        • Decreased sex drive (B)
        • Guilt (B)
        • Impulsive behaviour (O)
        • Lack of body confidence (B)
        • Lack of creativity (B)
        • Mood swings (O)
        • Obsessive jealousy (O)
        • Sexual obsessions (O)
        The physical symptoms of an unbalanced sacral chakra are:

        • Impotence (B)
        • Infertility (B)
        • Kidney problems (B)
        • Lower back pain (B)
        • Menstrual issues (B)
        • Stomach disorders (B)
        Shop Sacral Chakra

        How to balance the sacral chakra


        Meditation helps the flow of energy and balances the chakras.

        • Sit cross-legged on a mat or sit on a chair with both feet on the floor.
        • Keep your back straight, arms relaxed and your eyes closed.
        • Take two or three deep breaths.
        • Now visualize a ball of orange light coming from the your sacral region. Imagine it radiating energy outwards through the whole body.
        • Continue with the deep breathing and visualizations for as long as you are comfortable. 10 to 15 minutes is good to start with.

        Try holding a crystal while you meditate or listen to some binaural beats for a stronger session.

        More on meditation


        Crystals have the power to absorb negative energies that cause chakras to be unbalanced.

        Place the crystal over the sacral chakra for between 5-20 minutes. The longer you can do this for the more effective it will be. You can also carry, wear or meditate with them.

        The following crystals are perfect to use for balancing the sacral chakra. Generally speaking, use orange stones.

        • Amber
        • Citrine
        • Golden Topaz
        • Moonstone
        • Orange Carnelian
        • Red Jasper
        • TigerÔÇÖs Eye

        More on crystals

        HeadphonesBinaural Beats

        Listening to the frequencies in binaural beats can stimulate the brainwaves to balance the sacral chakra. Binaural Beats are best listened to through headphones. Listening to the sounds while you fall asleep can encourage deep sleep and heal at the same time.

        Binaural Beats can be listened to as often as you want. It could be daily during meditation practice when your sacral chakra feels out of balance.

        NOTE: Do not listen to Binaural Beats whilst operating heavy machinery or driving.

        More on Binaural Beats


        Massage can relieve stress in the mind and body. It is a therapy that stimulates the energy flow and can help open the sacral chakra.

        Massaging the sacrum area activates your sacral chakra. Rub some oil, starting at your public bone, up to your navel.

        More on Massage


        Scents such as ginger, orange, jasmine, neroli, rosewood and bergamot help cleanse the sacral chakra. We recommend this sacral chakra essential oil. Use oil in a diffuser, a spritzer or in an inhaler.

        More on Aromatherapy


        Yoga poses are a great way to cleanse and balance the chakras. The poses are designed to keep the body aligned which keeps the energy flowing. Concentrate on forward bends and twist poses that a good for the sacral chakra.

        More on Yoga


        Wear orange clothing and surround yourself with orange colours and objects.

        Shop Sacral Chakra

        Food & Drink

        Ginger is the best for the sacral chakra. Cook more with ginger or drink ginger tea. Drink a herbal tea that contains sacral chakra cleansing herbs.

        Man walkingActivities

        Doing activities that you are interested in, something creative is best. Examples are drawing, photography, sewing or cooking. Do something spontaneous. It could be as easy as watching a movie you normally donÔÇÖt watch, or going somewhere you donÔÇÖt usually go.

        Be creative in the bedroom. Explore fetishes or sexual positions with your partner.

        Speech bubbleAffirmations

        These strong powerful statements can train your brain to think in a differnet way. Talk directly to the sacral chakra to create balance. Try the following affirmations.

        • I enjoy pleasure in all areas of my life
        • I am a loveable and desirable person
        • I let go of past feelings that no longer serve me
        • I go with the flow
        • I am able to change with ease
        • I love myself exactly as I am right now

        More on Affirmations

        Root Chakra

        Root Chakra

        Sanskrit name – Muladhara
        Location – Base of the spine
        Colour – Red
        Element – Earth


        The first chakra is the root. It is the foundation for all the other chakras. Based on the energy of the earth it gives you a feeling of safety, survival and grounding. It is the main foundation of our lives and gives us the security we need to feel safe. This includes your basic needs such as food, water, shelter and letting go of fear and worry.

        A balanced root chakra

        When your root chakra is perfectly balanced you will have energy during the day. You will be able to get things done and make good plans for yourself. Life will be effortless and you will be satisfied with everything around you. YouÔÇÖll have direction and purpose.

        A unbalanced root chakra

        Chakras can become unbalanced when they are either blocked (B) or too open (O). This can lead to unwanted feelings and even physical symptoms.

        The emotional feelings of unbalanced root chakra include:

        • Anger & frustration (O)
        • Anxiety disorders (B)
        • Apathy (B)
        • Fears (B)
        • Greed & selfishness (O)
        • Insecurity (B)
        • Lethargic (B)
        • Loss of meaning & purpose of life (B)
        • Negativity (B)
        • Nightmares (B)
        • The tendency to want to attract attention.(O)
        The physical symptoms of an unbalanced root chakra are:

        • Colon & bladder problems (B)
        • Eating disorders (O)
        • Leg or feet issues (B)
        • Lower back pain (B)
        • Prostate (in men) (B)
        Shop Root Chakra

        How to balance the root chakra


        Meditation helps the flow of energy and balances the chakras.

        • Sit cross-legged on a mat or sit on a chair with both feet on the floor.
        • Keep your back straight, arms relaxed and your eyes closed.
        • Take two or three deep breaths.
        • Now visualize a ball of red light coming from the base of your spine. Imagine it radiating energy outwards through the whole body.
        • Continue with the deep breathing and visualizations for as long as you are comfortable. 10 to 15 minutes is good to start with.

        Try holding a crystal while you meditate or listen to some binaural beats for a stronger session.

        More on meditation


        Crystals have the power to absorb negative energies that cause chakras to be unbalanced.

        Place the crystal over the root chakra for between 5-20 minutes. The longer you can do this for the more effective it will be. You can also carry, wear or meditate with them.

        The following crystals are perfect to use for balancing the root chakra. Generally speaking, use red stones.

        • Azurite
        • Carnelian
        • Chrysocolla
        • Citrine
        • Golden Topaz
        • Hematite
        • Ruby
        • Fire Agate
        • TigerÔÇÖs Eye
        • Black Tourmaline
        • Smoky Quartz
        • Red Jasper
        • Obsidian

        More on crystals

        HeadphonesBinaural Beats

        Listening to the frequencies in binaural beats can stimulate the brainwaves to balance the root chakra. Binaural Beats are best listened to through headphones. Listening to the sounds while you fall asleep can encourage deep sleep and heal at the same time.

        Binaural Beats can be listened to as often as you want. It could be daily during meditation practice when your root chakra feels out of balance.

        NOTE: Do not listen to Binaural Beats whilst operating heavy machinery or driving.

        More on Binaural Beats


        Massage can relieve stress in the mind and body. It is a therapy that stimulates the energy flow and can help open the root chakra.

        Massaging your lower back activates your Root Chakra. Rub some essential oil around your coccyx for a deep massage.

        More on Massage


        Scents such as sandalwood, ginger, cayenne, patchouli, black pepper and cloves help cleanse the root chakra. We recommend this root chakra essential oil. Use oil in a diffuser, a spritzer or in an inhaler.

        More on Aromatherapy


        Yoga poses are a great way to cleanse and balance the chakras. The poses are designed to keep the body aligned which keeps the energy flowing. Concentrate on forward bends and standing poses that a good for the root chakra.

        More on Yoga


        Wear red clothing and surround yourself with earth colours and objects that remind you of nature.

        Shop Root Chakra

        Food & Drink

        Eat plenty of grounding foods. Root vegetables are perfect for this such as sweet potatoes, beets and radish. Drink a herbal tea that contains root chakra cleansing herbs.

        Man walkingActivities

        Doing activities that are more grounding and earth-related can help balance your root chakra. Activities such as gardening, cooking, walking or even sit outside to connect with nature.

        Speech bubbleAffirmations

        These strong powerful statements can train your brain to think in a differnet way. Talk directly to the root chakra to create balance. Try the following affirmations.

        • I am grounded
        • I am confident
        • I am worthy of respect
        • I am positive
        • I’m independent and strong
        • I love life

        More on Affirmations

        Throat Chakra

        Throat Chakra

        Sanskrit name – Vishudda
        Location – Base of the neck
        Colour – Blue
        Element – Aether (the upper sky, it fills up the universe and the vacuum of space)
        Planet – Saturn

        Throat Chakra Symbol


        The fifth chakra is the throat chakra. It is associated with communication. The energy from the throat chakra will allow you to express or communicate your personal truth.

        A balanced throat chakra

        When your throat chakra is perfectly balanced you will be able to speak your truth openly, understand your needs and desires and be able to communicate them clearly. You will understand when to speak and when to listen.

        An unbalanced throat chakra

        Chakras can become unbalanced when they are either blocked (B) or too open (O). This can lead to unwanted feelings and even physical symptoms.

        The emotional feelings of unbalanced throat chakra include:

        • Arrogance (O)
        • Creative block
        • Dishonesty (O)
        • Excessive talking (O)
        • Fear (B)
        • Gossiping (O)
        • Lack of confidence (B)
        • Manipulative behaviour (O)
        • Poor listening (O)
        • Shyness / Timidity (B)
        • Verbally aggressive (O)
        The physical symptoms of an unbalanced throat chakra are:

        • Asthma
        • Bronchitis
        • Cold & Flu
        • Ear infections
        • Headaches
        • Hearing problems
        • Mouth ulcers
        • Nasal passages
        • Neck/shoulder stiffness
        • Thyroid gland problems
        • Tinnitus
        • Tonsillitis
        • Throat infections
        • Throat pain
        • Toothache
        Shop Throat Chakra

        How to balance the throat chakra


        Meditation helps the flow of energy and balances the chakras.

        • Sit cross-legged on a mat or sit on a chair with both feet on the floor.
        • Keep your back straight, arms relaxed and your eyes closed.
        • Take two or three deep breaths.
        • Now visualize a ball blue light coming from the base of your neck. Imagine it radiating energy outwards through the whole body.
        • Continue with the deep breathing and visualizations for as long as you are comfortable. 10 to 15 minutes is good to start with.

        Try holding a crystal while you meditate or listen to some binaural beats for a stronger session.

        More on meditation


        Crystals have the power to absorb negative energies that cause chakras to be unbalanced.

        Place the crystal over the throat chakra for between 5-20 minutes. The longer you can do this for the more effective it will be. You can also carry, wear or meditate with them.

        The following crystals are perfect to use for balancing the throat chakra. Generally speaking, use blue stones.

        • Rainbow Fluorite
        • Celestite
        • Blue Calcite
        • Turquoise
        • Blue Aventurine
        • Aquamarine
        • Azurite
        • Angelite
        • Blue Topaz
        • Lepidolite

        More on crystals

        HeadphonesBinaural Beats

        Listening to the frequencies in binaural beats can stimulate the brainwaves to balance the throat chakra. Binaural Beats are best listened to through headphones. Listening to the sounds while you fall asleep can encourage deep sleep and heal at the same time.

        Binaural Beats can be listened to as often as you want. It could be daily during meditation practice when your throat chakra feels out of balance.

        NOTE: Do not listen to Binaural Beats whilst operating heavy machinery or driving.

        More on Binaural Beats


        Massage can relieve stress in the mind and body. It is a therapy that stimulates the energy flow and can help open the throat chakra.

        Self-massage your collarbone then use your hands to stroke up your throat towards your chin. Use essential oils to enhance the massage.

        More on Massage


        Essential oils such as peppermint, chamomile, lavender, cypress, white lotus, jasmine and bergamot can cleanse the throat chakra. We recommend this throat chakra essential oil. Use oil in a diffuser, a spritzer or in an inhaler.

        More on Aromatherapy


        Yoga poses are a great way to cleanse and balance the chakras. The poses are designed to keep the body aligned which keeps the energy flowing. Concentrate on poses that a good for the throat chakra.

        More on Yoga


        Wear blue clothing and surround yourself in blue colours and objects. Spend time staring at the blue sky.

        Shop Throat Chakra

        Food & Drink

        Fruit and vegetables that are best for the throat chakra are blue grapes, currants, grapefruit, lemons, blueberries, blackberries, plums, pears, figs, peaches, apricots and kiwifruit. Drink a herbal tea that contains throat chakra cleansing herbs.

        Man walkingActivities

        Activities such as singing and listening to music help balance the throat chakra. Avoid loud, heavy music as it has a negative feeling. Sing along to the radio in the shower or in the car and do it unashamedly. Spend some quiet time. Allow your inner voice to emerge. On the other hand, laughing or screaming into a pillow will also get rid of stagnant energy.

        Speech bubbleAffirmations

        These strong powerful statements can train your brain to think in a differnet way. Talk directly to the throat chakra to create balance. Try the following affirmations.

        • IÔÇÖm not afraid to speak my mind
        • IÔÇÖm a good listener
        • IÔÇÖm the speaker and seeker of truth
        • IÔÇÖm free of fear and anxiety
        • I feel comfortable speaking my mind
        • I communicate confidently and with ease

        More on Affirmations